My work brings together a vivacious cast of cartoon characters that are pulsating with nostalgia and childhood memories. The artworks are divided into: Play Doh and Toys. The former are paintings depictting play dough surrounded by transcendent rays of color reminiscent of an individual’s aura or energy field, a euphoric display of enlightenment.
As a child I spent hours in my playroom. It was a world just for me. A room full of toys, paint and play dough. After all those years I am still that same kid that used all those impressions and materials to piece together where I still want to be and live as an adult.
I try to create illusions within my art. the origins of the found objects are stripped of their context, while memories are released from their emotional weight to become expressions of joy, allowing people to escape daily life and flee into a carefree past. Whilst the same time, my work challenges people to reflect upon these value systems and ask why they hold onto them as means of survival in a complex world.
The mixed media works from the toys series are a collection of plastic toys repurposed into sculptural compositions of irresistible banality and kitsch. Sponge Bob, Doreamom, Hulk are just a few of the characters who inhabit each candy-hued universe. Shown in foreign interactions they elicit amongst viewers a joyful reunion with happy memories and childhood stories not forgotten.
Everything I do is with the intention of bringing more joy and happiness to this world. My intention is to make you forget the daily misery and to take you to a cheerful world full of color and happy inhabitants.